طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 26
Treize heads out alone at first to rescue Lillia, though Allison and Travas get a plane and fly to the speeding train. Treize finally reveals to ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 25
Travas and his team manage to start the train and get away from the enemy, and during this time Matilda reveals to Axe that Travas is ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 24
The princess of Sou Beil, Matilda, comes to visit the capital of Roxche and Treize in secret by traveling on a reserved train with Travas’ ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 23
The princess of Sou Beil, Matilda, comes to visit the capital of Roxche and Treize in secret by traveling on a reserved train with Travas’ ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 22
Lowry, her real name being Claire, mistakes Lillia for Merielle, the daughter of the royal family and takes her hostage. While out in the snow, ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 21
Lillia uses dynamite as a distraction to allow Treize to sneak into the upstairs of the cabin and use the wireless transmitter, though he only is ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 20
Lowry takes Fiona and Benedict to another room to inquire about Ikstova’s secret treasure, and meanwhile Emma, one of the royal bodyguards, ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 19
Treize invites Lillia to come to Ikstova for the winter, and Allison takes a vacation from work to go with her. After a long trip, they meet ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 18
It turns out the kids already know how to swim and they go on ahead, but Treize cannot. Lillia throws him in the water and spurs him on to shore, ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 17
Treize manages to knock one plane down which activates the emergency beacon. Lillia and Treize stall long enough to allow Allison to rescue them ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 16
Lillia and Treize board the plane with the orphans, but an hour into the flight Treize notices the plane should have reached its destination ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 15
While flying in the plane, the pilot sees a plane from the local air force on the sea below and he lands to investigate. The air force pilot ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 14
At the start of Lillia’s summer vacation, Treize arrives after traveling from Ikstova for twenty days by motorbike and brings her back ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 13
Allison and Wil are now married and living together in an apartment in the city. Allison’s father comes to Wil and asks him to become a ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 12
Allison, Wil, Benedict, and Fiona arrive in Sou Beil, but Wil’s suspicions about Major Stork remain. The next day, the four are instructed ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 11
Stork gets the idea to use the alcohol to set the train’s last car on fire and detach it in order to stop the military train from pursuing ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 10
While out early in the morning, Allison and Wil witness Chief Conductor Welch getting pushed off the back of the train by a masked man. When ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 9
During spring break from school, Wil meets Allison and Fiona on a luxury train which runs between the eastern and western countries. Halfway over ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 8
Nihito asks Fiona to show proof of her claim, and she produces a royal medallion which is confirmed to be real by one of the guards who was at ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 7
Allison, Wil, Ker, and Fiona make it back to the Sou Beil air base where Ker and Allison concoct a plan to allow Allison and Wil to steal a ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 6
Allison and Wil escape and meet up with Ker in the village where they run into Fiona who takes them back to her house. She tells them that if ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 5
Wil goes on a field trip with his school to the Kingdom of Ikstova where he meets up with Allison due to help from her friends in the Roxche Air ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 4
After Ker catches up to Allison and Wil, a dogfight ensues which ends with Allison shooting Ker with paintballs. Two other fighter planes catch ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 3
Allison and Wil successfully infiltrate the military base where the old man is being held, and manage to help him escape by giving him a hair pin ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 2
While chasing the plane, Allison and Wil get attacked by a fighter plane and while getting away got tangled on some power lines, ultimately ...

طريق السلام الموسم 1 الحلقة 1
The story is set in a world with a continent split down the middle by a mountain range and a vast river. The eastern side is known as Roxche, and ...

انمي طريق السلام – Allison & Lillia مدبلج
IMDb: 4.5 2008 41 views
تدور أحداث القصة في قارة حيث بها بلدين، يفصل بين البلدين نهر لوتوني والجبال المركزيّة. البلدين، اتحاد روكشي والمملكة المتحدة بيزل كانتا في حالة ...

طريق السلام Allison and Lillia مدبلج الحلقة 01